Dudley Denny Library, Mackay | Community Building Design

Dudley Denny City Library

Description CBD Refurbishment
Status Completed 2018

This project encompassed the refurbishment of a CBD building, donated to Mackay Regional Council, to accommodate a new, state of the art city library.
The flexibility of the internal layout is maximised through a large open space surrounded by quiet areas, study rooms, booth seating, a young adults area, a children’s space and a special heritage display. The main feature of the design is the overwhelming, floor to ceiling, glass light-well in the centre of the plan that opens the library and below arcade to the above skylight.
A two storey green wall, skylights, low speed high volume fans, 100% outside air cycling, CO² monitoring, glazing and forest planting to the north and glazing to the south create a calm and environmentally sustainable oasis in the hustle and bustle of the CBD, enticing passers-by on the main street to enter.